About Rama Sakti Mission

The advent of Divinity as the world-preceptor heralds an era of awakening in the social, moral and spiritual spheres of human activity. Whereas the savants uphold learning and the saints come to sing the glory of God, the Divine assumes form and a personality to establish dharma on earth. The life and teaching of the Divine Personality is a vindication of the moral law.

Rama Sakti Mission is a movement based and build on the highest ethics and spiritual philosophy of Divine Mother. The light, the guide, the source of inspiration and the power of sustenance for the Mission is Divine Mother’s grace and personality.

As a part of Mother’s divine dispensation, the Mission in its purely spiritual sense, has a history of growth and development stretching over a period of more than seven decades. In this sense, the Mission has been unfolding itself stage by stage as a movement of spiritual force initiated by Divine Sankalpa. Ever since Divine Mother started guiding the disciples and devotees who flocked to Her at Her home in Tellicherry, this movement too has emerged as a unifying force.

One Response to “About Rama Sakti Mission”

  1. Sunil Kumar Krishnashetty says:

    Salutations to the lotus feet of our Devine Mother. Jai Matha.

    I am happy to see the blog where we can share about our mission. I say Mission as real heaven on this earth. Its a place for Sadhana. I first visited Mission in 2000 and I was full of joy to see the way the god is worshiped. I become a regular visitor of Mission. Most of my early visits were just physical without any purpose. I started reading Mother’s teachings and I transformed myself to follow the path of my guru Devine mother. Every movement of my life is guided by Mother and Mother’s teachings. Mother’s teachings are a lot to learn and simple to follow. Biggest thing I learnt from my Mother is to pray for all the creatures of the world and See God in all. I am very lucky to be a devotee of Devine mother and I would continue to be succeeding in the path Sadhana.

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