Divine Mother Sree Tara Devi – Re-emergence of Divinity Part 1

On the day of Divine Mother’s conscious exit from Her body in a state of Supreme yoga, Her foremost disciple Sree Tara Devi, prayed to Her “Oh Deva just a wish of yours will enable you to come out of this physical ordeal. Pray do give us comfort by coming out of this state, victorious in your glory.” With a beautiful smile Divine Mother replied, “It is not a great miracle to emerge from this state. Miracles, thousand times greater than this are going to happen. World will see them.”

True to the words of the Jagadguru, The Manifestation of Divine Mother Sree Rama Devi in Sree Tara Devi is one of the greatest miracles that has ever taken place in Shakthinagar.

The re-emergence of Divine Mother Sree Rama Devi means the manifestation of the inherent Divinity of Sree Tara Devi Herself.

Once again the golden voice was heard. From the silence arose again The Voice of the Personal God….The love inspiring voice familiar to all spiritual children of Divine Mother. Yes, the heavenly voice and melody of that voice transformed anguish into ecstasy and frustration into eternal delight.

The re-emergence of Divinity, unprecedented in our spiritual history, is a glorious and dynamic continuation of ministry of Divine Mother Sree Rama Devi, ministry of compassion and Her mission of human regeneration.

Divine Mother had often spoken about Sree Tara Devi’s perfection and even given hints of Her Divine nature. Years ago, during Divine Mother’s sojourn in Ahmednagar, Col. Varadarajan, a disciple of Divine Mother went for darshan. Impressed with the profound Gurubhakthi of Sree Tara Devi, he asked Her point blank “Akka, may I ask you a question ? Are you separate from Divine Mother or are you one with Her?” quick came Her spontaneous answer. For this question, there can be no verbal answer; there can be only silence.” And She smiled.
Col. Varadrajan, a great scholar admired the way She replied. She had no ‘I’, merged as it was in the personality of the Guru. When ‘I’ itself was not there, where was room for either affirmation or negation?

There was no scope to assert that she was one with the Guru or separate from the Guru.’ So the silence which She indicated was highly significant.

One day a group of girls belonging to Ahemadnagar Mandali had gone to Divine Mother’s residence to call on their beloved Akka. The girls had such a great attraction for their, Akka, that they never felt like leaving Her presence. Each one was calling ‘Akka’ ‘Akka’. Sree Tara Devi loved them all equally. Suddenly, Divine Mother lifted the curtain of Her room and showing Her beaming smile lit face, told the girls:

“Children, you are all now calling Her “Akka” but remember, She is not “Akka” She is Mother. Nobody at that time could understand the deeper import of divine Mother’s utterance.

Divine Mother Rama Devi who raised Sree Tara Devi into Her Divine nature is the avatar of Parashakti Herself. In the case of Sree Tara Devi, Her elevation to Guru’s Divine nature meant the unfolding of Godhood consciousness as the primal Power as Devi Sree Lalithambika, exalted in Durga Sapthasathi.

About the unfolding of Godhood consciousness, Sree Tara Devi once made a revealing statement to a group of devotees. She said “on the fateful day when Deva chose to leave Her physical Upadhi, every word, gesture and bhava of Deva confirmed my intuition. Inspite of my overwhelming sadness of heart, I tried to collect Myself to concentrate on the service of Deva, the beloved of my heart.

It was 10 p.m. I felt like having a bath, Taking Deva’s permission, I went and hurriedly took my bath and hastened back to deva’s bedside. It must have been silent will of Deva that urged me to bathe. When I reached Deva, I was suddenly overcome with a strange feeling. I felt as though I was losing body consciousness and the surroundings. I sat down.
By now, I was sure that the experience of a transcendental absorption and mystic visions, which I had in my thirteenth year through the touch of Deva was again coming upon me. The whole existence including myself was dissolving and merging into a void. The mind soared into higher planes to get ultimately lost in the Supreme Divinity. When I emerged from the absorption I clearly knew who I am, and why I assumed body in this world.”

Thus saying She entered into supernal silence. After a long time, she came out to worldly consciousness and continued Her narration. “just at that time, I vividly saw Shakthies contained in that Divine Upadhi of Deva, approaching me in a vibratory form, accompanied by a waft of divine fragrance and entering instantly my body’. Mother could not proceed further. We noticed tears falling from her eyes. The final scene of Divine Mother’s mahasamadhi, as indicated by Sree Tara Devi, stirred our hearts.

During the nine days of the invocatory worship in matrunilayam, Sree Tara Devi manifested diverse Divine Bhavas, both in Her normal consciousness and super conscious states. The manifestation of Divine Mother’s Grace and power was intensely felt by the whole community of sadhakas in Shakthinagar. The whole campus was drowned in a tidal wave of divinity. We were conscious only of Divine Mother and Her Leelas.

With one heart and one mind the entire community rose to worship Sree Tara Devi and to carry out Her commands. No longer could we imagine that divine Mother had withdrawn into Her formless Immensity. Not only as subtle power, but as the personal presence itself, Divine Mother became our visible Deity of love and adoration.

To have the Parama Guru back again in a visible splendour, to be able to receive again Her verbal teaching through Her own voice and that She continues to be with the devotees as a saguna personality is a privilege that the world of devotees had not enjoyed before. Such a privilege came to disciples and devotees of divine Mother Sree Rama Devi as an unique favour from Her bounty of grace.

The sweet memory of the old link of love with Divine Mother was revived in the hearts of the disciples. For the first time the audience was elated to hear Sree Tara Devi address them as “beloved children.” No one but the Universal Mother can address mankind as children. Only the Divine Mother of the universe can feel the whole creation as Her children.


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