The Starry Splendour

In the year 1949, I had the fortune to attend the bhajan of Sri Rama Devi Bhaktha Mandali, Bombay , in the Brhaman Sahayak Sangh Hall at Shivaji Park . I visited the hall with the curiosity to see Mother and enjoy the bhajan. I had heard much about Her and Her teachings from my wife. On the day referred to above, my wife pressed me to accompany her to the hall. When we reached, it was packed with ladies; gents were standing outside in the corridor. The bhajan was in the last stage and when I peeped into the hall where there was a pin-drop silence, I was amazed to see the figure of a saintly lady with lustre on the face standing with Her hands on the waist similar to the posture of Lord Vithal of Pandarapur. I waited eagerly to watch the developments; but the figure was still and static like a statue. After the bhajan was declared over, I bowed humbly before Her and returned home. Later I was informed that She was standing in the same attitude for about forty minutes.

For our first interview, my wife and I went at the appointed time with fruits and flowers. Our arrival was communicated to the Mother, and we were advised to wait. In an inner room the saffron coloured asan was kept for the Mother. Incenses were burning in the room which was full of fragrance. All the doors of the room were closed and we awaited Her arrival with expectation. She stepped in quietly by opening the rear door of the room and occupied the asan. We bowed down before Her and offered fruits and flowers which were returned to us as Prasad. Then we were given the initiation. Within a few minutes, I saw the blue sky with twinkling stars, the enchanting and cool light of the full moon and heard some sort of humming sound of a flowing rivulet and I became still and silent. I also felt that some lukewarm vapour was entering my ear when the mantra was chanted. Joy was experienced. There was the manifestation of asta-satwik bhawas in my body. Thereafter I lost control over my body and was fully immersed in bliss. I came to myself after three quarters of an hour when there was nobody in the room except my wife. We then prostrated before Mother, took leave and returned home with new lives and hearts full of joy.

– Sri Chandrachud


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